This is me and Spyder. He is an honest horse! He is now 19, does his job and requires no babying. He’s never worn a blanket or eye wraps. He is triple tough. He paws snow for his grass when he is out on pasture. I love a horse like this. John Moore prompted me to write this, as he wrote a good post about dogs.
He runs and bucks when I turn him loose. He does his job with no fuss or muss! It’s why I love animals. They don’t whine or complain. This news media on the latest lies made me want to gag. Never again will I watch it. Or the mean movie stars saying to burn the school where these kids were from. It is sickening. Most of these grandstanders are acting like spoiled little brats. I’m asking you folks again to not send me political, religious, or chain mail garbage on here. Thank you.
I see this negativity in the horse world too. Clinicians still complaining about horses that were treated bad by old cowboys. There was that but there were also many old cowboys farmers that were not mean to their horses. My Dad wasn’t. Nelson Starkweather wasn’t. Tiny Starkweather isn’t and as good a cowboy that was born in Montana! Just as I don’t talk bad about the way clinicians do their thing. There are many great ones!
I give some packing lessons and I start all with “this is my way of doing it, there are many ways!” This works for me. My great neighbors in Wyoming use lots of sawvucks, I use decker pack saddles! They are great packers. It is what works for you.
I saw this young clinician badmouthing an old cowboy I know. This old cowboy with his gnarled old hands is a true hand and he quietly goes about making a living on the land. Don’t make fun of other ways and customs to sell your product. Don’t call someone a name cause he isn’t like you. I am not a buckaroo but I have many friends who are. We joke but we are civil and respect the ways of the land. Horses are kind of like working dogs, the cream rises when you take them outside, in an uncontrolled atmosphere.
I never advertise by putting other people down! I have a great business by performance. Many horse trainers, politicians, packers, hunters guide schools should advertise on their merits not someone else’s shortcomings. A friend of mine recently told me and he and I are completely different, if everyone is the same it’s a cult not a community ! I agree, please keep it civil on my posts.
I was raised old fashion and I respect others that are that way. I see cowboys and truckers, etc. on here using the worst foul language and it’s not the way your parents taught you. My Dad was as tough of a man as there was in Jardine and the worst word I ever heard him say was “Son of a b…,!”
Respectfully Warren