Me with our friends from Italy! . This is the day after the horsedrive and we all ride to Jardine to look at Enzo’s land he bought from me . Jardine Land and Livestock is the LLC that comprises roughly 555 acres . I am so happy to have them as our neighbors and great friends . The old mine office is in the background . We just hired an expert on mines etc.. to go through everything and we will save the good relics and put into a museum . The Mine office and the other two white buildings will be fixed up this year . There has been much negative talk about tearing down the old school house . Yesterday someone thought that I tore down Blankenship old home . No the Mine did that along with approx . 30 other buildings . Jardine has been for sale for awhile people if you wanted it like the way it was you should of bought it . I also helped negotiate close to480 acres into a conservation easement with Rocky Mountain elk foundation . I’ve checked and no other landowner in Jardine has done this . I let Zondra Skertich keep Martins community garden . I helped negotiate a trailhead use on my property . I gave access for a trail that crosses my land used mostly by Specimen creek Outfitters . I have plans to fix the cemetery up . I gave two plots to a local couple yesterday . Old Martin was put to rest next to his wife last fall . Any local in good standing who asks can have permission to cross my land . I can see about 16 homes and buildings on land that I grew up on that was bare land then . Now it’s subdivided by one of my biggest critics . I don’t do negative well so I’m not saying anymore about this after this post . I took a video of where I grew up yesterday and compared it to
a picture from the 80s . Wow the subdivisions and roads are unreal . This doesent bother me it’s after someone builds a home and then doesent want someone else to build one that bothers me . Do as I say not as I’ve done !! Hypocrites . But it’s private property and I’m happy for them . I’ve got two more old buildings that need repair or they are torn down . Those who wish can donate to fixing them up . Or come talk to me about my plans . I know it’s a lot more fun to gossip and yes I give you new fodder everyday to gossip about but seriously if you ask me I’ll tell you the plans in Jardine . On a positive note over $50000 raised at Hellsaroarin for trac chairs . This is the stuff I’m concentrating on .