I sat with Scott Sallee the other day at the bucking horse sale and it brought up this memory of me and him on deckard flats . We were talking about bucking horses and riding them . There was a comment made to him about some hunters that I took hunting and they couldn’t believe how I chased elk jumped logs etc.. the world is changing. This team of four year olds are named Willie and 8 Ball . I was just breaking them to sell to Tom Venable for a four up hitch in Yellowstone . Three days after this I needed a saddle horse and saddled up Willie . It was the best bronc ride that I’ve ever made on a horse . Scott and Dave Poncin were determined to get me bucked off but it never happened . He bucked for three solid minutes and did every trick but pull a knife on me. They made sure he never gave me an inch . Damn I was winded and dang glad he came up for air. I lost my hat both mittens as it was winter and real cold. But I got him rode and we went out and I did a job on him that day . I sold this team to Venable and 8 Ball worked until he was 24 and Willie 18 . Just thinking how times have changed . When someone told me a horse bucked I just thought he’d make a better mountain horse , never once thought he should be cheaper . Hi from Vegas !