Sitting here in AZ looking at old photos. ” Dead eye Dick “On the right. My brother Bill Johnson back to camera , the other young man across saw blade is Roy Marchington . Not sure on others . But what really struck me is the saw blade and how ingenious they were . It’s a generation that is fast disappearing . Older people are the greatest natural resource! If it wasn’t for this generation and helping us out when we were getting started we’d never be where we are today. Men like Frank Holtz , Fred Howie, Joe Sperano , Dave Gwaltney , Randy , Lucky, at the mine . Earl Johnson ‘ Jerry Ryder . Mike Van Handle Jim Duffy ,Gary Duffy I’m sure I’m missing some but they have all my respect. When you live in the country it’s hard to run to town and get something fixed . These people could fix just about anything and were always there for us . Not many people left like this and wanted to show my appreciation .