This is my hometown of Jardine , Montana around the turn of the century . Not long before my Dad first was here. Growing up on the banks of the Northfork of bear Creek was an experience that I will treasure till I die. It was fraught with danger and excitement , imagined and real! The Jardine dump always held a few bears , and the sight of a Silvertip grizzly made us kids so happy. Scared to death but the good kind of scared. When we left the house in the morning the words told to us weren’t don’t get dirty , stay close , it was watch out for bears and don’t run the horses until they lather up! My Dad was a stickler on that so we knew how long it took to wipe them off with bunch grass and dry off before we headed home. There was an old guy named Joe Trebles and he lit his house on fire and then shot himself! The rumor was he had gold buried upbeat creek . We spent many winters planning to find it and many many days of the summer looking for it . Boy the adventures we had . One time we roped a young bear and brought him home .We chained him behind the house with just enough chain to reach the corner of the house. My Dad Mom came home and we said look at our new dog . Well he hit that chain just as my Dad came around house . We didn’t do that again. But the very best adventure is when we went to investigate a plane wreck on the back of Monitor Peak ! It had wrecked the fall before killing three , I believe. Well we found it and we were the first ones there since the fall before. I was poking around in the cockpit and saw a shoe . I pulled it out and man it smelled bad , upon further looking it had the guys foot in it , broken off at the ankle . We were young and this haunted me for quite awhile ! We put it under a big rock but I later heard someone brought it out and it was given tho the Sheriff ! Wild times for me and Clarence ! Just thinking about my wonderful childhood , hope you enjoyed it !