Good Morning from Hellsaroarin ! This is me Jeremiah Matt Cunningham . I’m on old Yukon Jack , jeremiah on my old ex bareback bucking horse Tug ! Matt is riding Shadrack . Packing Blue and Rattler . The government packers at this time said you couldn’t pack these enclosures on a mule . Matt got me the contact and we packed them . They were made to fence game out to check grass growth , I know Jake Clark packed some of these also . This has been on my mind for sometime . I think all the time about how to be better and do better work . But one thing I see slipping and it’s disturbing . So this post is meant to be positive . Not picking on anyone just feel it’s my duty to preserve a way of life . Recently I got a request for gentle old semi retired mules for a guide school . I se this said a bunch . These guys we have coming can’t pack a rough mule . Well I don’t want a guide that isn’t willing to pack anything I put in front of them . That is the responsibility of the guide schools . Every packer guide that leaves here can work anywhere . I teach them how to tie a hind leg up , to pull shoes , to shoe if needed . I have a long list of help that can attest to what I say . A man that can pack and handle a few bad mules pretty soon has a walk and air of confidence about him that the animals sense and they have less problems . A mule can sense fear , uncertainty , scared like a lie detector test . Especially some of these big old pack mules that if they had opposable thumbs could pack as well as most men ! Some of my very best mules were really rank until a few years under the saddle . Many of the people who read this don’t hit the like button 😁but they remember a few mules I mention here . Bernie , Charlie , Rabbit , Rattler , Rascal , Billy , Amos , Julie these mules seperated the wannabes quickly . One of the things I see is a mule that needs the miles either someone like I get or he bounces from sale to sale or stands there while the gentle ones go everyday . I think it would be cool to see more Marines , packers , government packers get a string of mules and rather than say I can’t pack this one or that one but makes them all good useful animals . To have a young man or woman show up for a job and can throw a diamond , double diamond , box , decker diamond , basket , barrel hitch and tie up a leg . Hobble one . Know ten basic knots . Catch saddle and pack a string in 90 minutes would be so refreshing and start a trend of I can do it and not I’m a packer but not that way . Comment and discuss but be respectful as I am . Respectfully Warren